Social networks are today the third largest advertising investment channel in the world. Currently, Instagram alone has more than 2 billion monthly active users and more than 200 million business accounts (omnicore agency, 2024). This platform has become indispensable for companies, allowing them to reach new customers, promote their products and services and build a community with their audience. If you have, or want to create, a business account on Instagram, we present 5 essential tips to make the most of the tools available and maximize the presence of your Instagram business account:

1. Have a content strategy

Organizing a content strategy is crucial to growing your account. The content you publish on Instagram must be relevant, engaging and visually attractive. Here are some tips for creating quality content:

Follow the AIDA model

This model consists of 5 sequential steps in the consumer purchasing decision-making process: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. When making a post on Instagram you must first attract the public's attention, through eye-catching images or catchy titles. Then create interest, through copy providing, for example, relevant information or highlighting benefits, with the aim of awakening desire in the consumer and creating an emotional connection that leads them to the intended action with that publication.

<p> <img src="AIDAModel.jpeg" alt="Modelo AIDA."> </p>

AIDA model

– Shape your content

You shouldn't just focus on your feed from Instagram. The platform offers other channels such as stories or reels where you can connect with your audience in an authentic and immediate way. Explore these channels and adapt your content to their functionalities. For example you can create:

  • Cinformational content and deliver value to your audience through images with text;
  • Content in video subtitled, since most people watch video content without sound (for Android we recommend the AutoCap app and for iOS Clips or Clipomatic);
  • Storytelling in order to create engagement with your audience.

– Make a schedule

It is essential to develop an editorial calendar with dates and events relevant to your business, which includes themes and respective content formats to be published. This way you can organize yourself and maintain the consistency of publications on your account in order to maintain interest and engagement with your audience. To do this, we recommend the Google Calendar.

– Create relevant content

Constantly coming up with ideas for content is not always easy and sometimes a creative block can arise. That said, here are some tools from which you can get ideas for new content:

  • AnswerThePublic, shows results based on real Google searches;
  • KWFinder, analyzes keyword search volume;
  • BuzzSumo, indicates which contents trends on the social networks.

2. Interact with the public

The blunder of many business accounts on Instagram it's just about publishing content and not interacting with your audience. This interaction, the so-called engagement, it is essential to build a community on Instagram and develop a close relationship with your followers. Don't ignore comments, respond! This will just show that your followers' opinion is valued and that you are paying attention to what they have to say. Another simple way to interact with your audience is ask questions be us stories or in the caption of your publications, in order to encourage your followers to actively participate in the conversation.

3. Use Instagram Business Account features

Instagram offers several account-specific tools business. Through Instagram Insights You can have access to metrics that allow you to evaluate the performance of your publications, that is, understand the reach, impressions, interactions (likes, comments, saved) and understand your target audience, as well as the best times to publish according to your audience.

In addition, you should also take advantage of the Instagram Shopping, if you intend to sell products, so that purchases can be made by your consumers directly on the platform.

4. Create ads

If you already have one business account and it's not announced yet, don't waste any more time! Instagram ads are both an effective and powerful way to reach and convert customers and help brands drive their business success. Here are some tips on what to include in your ad to boost its reach and performance:

  • The title must be objective and eye-catching;
  • Choose one captivating image, since the image is what catches the user's attention, and is therefore the most important element of the ad;
  • Use emojis no copy of yours posts. It is proven that using emojis can generate up to 30% more ad clicks!
  • Strategically use the hashtags. Please note that the hashtags are not the solution to a post successful on Instagram, however, they increase its reach and visibility. Start by making a search of hashtags on Instagram and see the volume of publications of those you want to use. Then switch between hashtags more specific (less than 500k publications) and other general ones (more than 500k publications). The ideal would be to choose between 12 and 20.

5. Adjust your strategy regularly

Finally, it is essential to monitor and analyze your business account regularly. This way you can evaluate the performance of your posts and ads on Instagram, making adjustments to your strategy as necessary. We recommend you go sponsoring your publications if they justify it. To do this, you must analyze the metrics after the publication has been made, that is, analyze the reach, impressions, interactions, profile visits generated, new followers and interaction rate of the publication. This rate results from the sum of the likes, comments, shares and saved, divided by your number of followers multiplied by 100.

Only after this analysis can you decide whether you want to promote the post. If you want to advertise, you must do so for a period minimum of 7 days.

In short, a successful Instagram Business account requires a combination of strategic planning, creativity, quality content, consistency and regular data analysis. By implementing these 5 tips you will be on your way to developing an impactful presence on your Instagram business account and building a community around your business.




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