This article is integrated in the marketing field, and will enhance the 10 advantages of online social networking for your business.

Social networks create a huge exposure for the company, and this is just one of many advantages. These are currently a substantial part of all marketing strategies and the benefits of its use, properly, they are so great that any company that is not to implement this economic resource is losing a phenomenal marketing opportunity.

It is clear that marketing done on online social networks is a key element for the success of the company and there are many marketers who contribute to the success and growth of businesses using these platforms. However, some companies still do not have certainty about what the tactics that should apply and what impact each option can give.

10 advantages of online social networking for your business

1. Increased brand awareness

Online social networks are one of the most efficient digital marketing methods in 10 vantagens das redes sociais online para o seu negóciocost, used to share content and increase the visibility of your business. The implementation of a digital marketing strategy in social networks will increase large-scale recognition of your brand as well, you will be involved with a broad audience of consumers.

By investing just a few hours a week, over 91% of marketers said their social marketing efforts have greatly increased their exposure. There is no doubt that, simply having a Facebook page is not enough! You must use techniques that most likely will generate a wide audience for your business.

2. More inbound traffic (inbound)

No market your business on social networks, incoming traffic It is limited to its regular customers. People familiar with your brand are probably searching the same keywords that you already qualify. Without using social networks as part of their marketing strategy, your brand will have much more difficulty reaching someone outside your circle of loyal customers.

Each profile of social networks that you add to your marketing mix is ​​a gateway to your site, and all content you publish is another opportunity to acquire a new customer. Online social networks are a world of different types of people with different backgrounds and behaviors. With different people has different needs and different ways of thinking.

Organize your content on as many platforms as possible allows these individuals achieve their business organically.

3. Melhorar rankings do Search Engine

Although the publication on social networks can generate some traffic for your business, the more effort is needed than that to get a success

10 vantagens das redes sociais online para o seu negócio

significant. Search engine optimization is very important to achieve more page rankings and get traffic to your site negócios.Ser able to rank in the top positions for your keywords will revolutionize the traffic of your company and continue to generate positive results for your business.

That is, many people use Google to find information, and these people probably do not sail beyond page one because your answer is usually the first page of results. If your company website is not ranked in the top results of the search engine, you should probably adjust your optimization strategy of the search engine, but so nobody will beat there through google.

4. Higher Conversion Rates

With greater visibility, your company gains more conversion opportunities. Each blog post, image, video or comment may take users to the website of your company and increase traffic. The social media marketing allows your company to give a positive impression by a factor of humanization. When brands are interactive, content sharing, commenting and publishing on social networks, personifies a brand. People prefer to do business with “people”Rather than companies.

More than 51% of marketers said they devote time to develop relationships with consumers showed positive results in sales. The best impression you make on a visitor is more likely to think of your company when the need for your product or service arise.

5. Better Customer Satisfaction

Social networking is a networking platform and communication. Create a voice for your company through these platforms is important to humanize your business. Customers appreciate knowing that when they publish comments on your pages, they will receive a personalized response instead of an automatic message. Being able to recognize each comment shows that you are attentive to the needs of your visitors and aims to provide the best experience.

6. Improved Loyalty to Make

A major goal of almost every company is to develop a loyal customer base.

10 vantagens das redes sociais online para o seu negócio

Whereas customer satisfaction and brand loyalty usually go hand in hand, it is important to engage regularly with consumers and begin to develop a bond with them.

Social networks are not limited to only present products and promotional campaigns of your brand. Customers see these platforms as a service channel that can communicate directly with the company.

7. More brand authority

A satisfação do cliente e a lealdade à marca contribuem para tornar sua empresa mais autoritária, mas tudo se resume à comunicação. Quando os consumidores veem a sua empresa a publicar em redes sociais online, especialmente respondendo a clientes e publicando conteúdo original, isso faz o seu negócio parecer mais confiável. A interação regular com os clientes demonstra que sua empresa se preocupa com a satisfação do cliente e está disponível para responder a quaisquer dúvidas que possam ter.

Satisfied customers are eager to spread a great product or service and generally turn to social networks to express their opinion. Having customers mentioning your company in these media will announce your business and will show its new visitors its value and brand authority.

8. Cost-effective

O marketing de redes sociais é possivelmente a parte mais económica de uma estratégia de publicidade. Inscrever-se e criar um perfil é gratuito para quase todas as plataformas de redes sociais, e todas as promoções pagas pelas quais você decide investir são um custo relativamente baixo comparado a outras táticas de marketing. Ser rentável é uma vantagem, porque você pode ver um maior retorno sobre o investimento e manter um orçamento maior para outras despesas de marketing e negócios.

If you decide to use paid advertising on online networks, always start value below to see what to expect. As you feel more comfortable, adjust your strategy and try increasing your budget. Only spending a small amount of time and money, you can significantly increase your conversion rates and eventually get return on investment of the money invested initially.

9. Learn about the market

One of the most valuable benefits of online social networking is insight from the market. Que melhor maneira de conhecer os pensamentos e necessidades de seus consumidores do que falando diretamente com eles? Ao monitorar a atividade nos seus perfis, você pode ver os interesses e as opiniões do cliente que, de outra forma, você não teria conhecimento se sua empresa não tivesse presença nestas redes sociais.

After getting many followers, you can use additional tools to analyze the demographics of their consumers. Another insightful aspect of marketing on social networks is the ability to target its content distribution lists based on topic and identify which content types generate more impressions. These tools provide the ability to measure conversions based on publications in various platforms – Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc – to find the perfect combination to generate revenue.

10. Thought Leadership

Publish insightful and well written content on your social networks is a great way to become an expert and leader in their area. There is no way to become a thought leader – It requires a job that can be supported by online networking tools. To establish itself as an expert, be sure to use social networking platforms and build your presence. Be communicative, connect with your audience, share content and promote their authority.

When your social networking campaign is aligned with other marketing efforts, your skills will be highlighted and the followers will look for you. Being able to connect directly with your customers creates a relationship that they value, allowing your business to become significant influence at it.

10 vantagens das redes sociais online para o seu negócio

These 10 benefits of online social networking for your business are not difficult to obtain if the techniques are implemented well. So if your business is not already using this technique do not waste time. The Be-Wide company has a specialized team to deal with these techniques social networks, Search engine optimization, Facebook ads among others making your business presence online check significantly and increase your sales.

There is virtually no reason not to implement social networks in your company. Your competition is probably already on social networks, so do not allow them to stay with your prospects. The sooner you start, the sooner you will see a growth in your business.

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