When people and / or companies seek to learn more about SEO also seek to know what is link building, what is and what is their relevance. In this article we will explain the concept of link building, what is and what is its importance. What is the link ...

What is link building?

Now, Link Building is one of the fundamentals of web positioning and SEO, which seeks to increase the authority of a page as much as possible, generating links to it.

O que é o Link Building

SEO Tools

Optimizing a website is of great importance so that there are good results without the need for too much investment and spending money on advertising sponsored links. Link building is a very important SEO strategy to climb results.

The algorithms of most search engines, such as Google or Bing, are based on factors of on-site SEO and off-site SEO, the latter being based on the relevance of a site, whose main indicator is the links that make connections or backlinks. There are other factors such as the anchor text of the link, whether the link is followed or not, whether it mentions the brand or the links generated in the RRSS.

Strategies through link building is a dual process. That is, a site produces good content and, in return, other sites indicate it through links. Briefly, this digital marketing strategy will influence, along with other factors, for your website to be well positioned on Google's search engine.

The Google search system considers that, as a site is referred to by others, through links, the level of importance of the referred page increases.

How important is link building?

Once we understand what link building is, we will understand its importance. For a long time, links were an unofficial (but important) democracy on the internet, a referral link to another site held a value in search engines as a sort of vote of confidence and value that a particular site demonstrated to have.

O que é o Link Building

web links

Strategies through link building is a two-way process. A site produces good content and, in return, other sites indicate it through links. Briefly, this digital marketing strategy will influence, along with other factors, for your website to be well positioned on Google's search engine.

The Google search system considers that, as a site is referred to by others, through links, the level of importance of the referred page increases. That is, whenever another site "line” the site in question, people who click on the link will be redirected to the page in question or to the subject that is related to what interested the visitor. Google understands that precisely because there is that link, in addition to being able to interest you, the page's authority was validated by the site where it was previously.

Therefore, because links are indicators of trust and authority, depending on where the link is received, Link Building has become an important tool in the list of search engine ranking ranking factors. This influence was so great that it gave rise to the practice of Link Building in the world SEO.

website linking

Much has been discussed in recent months about the importance of links in the latest updates to the algorithms of search engines and, in particular, Google. Link building no longer works? Due to Google updates, several users were in doubt, but after some tests they concluded that the version of Google that does not take into account the weight of external links did not obtain good results as the current version of the search engine where the value of external links are taken into account. That is, building links is important, but for these links to be valued, we must not focus on getting links, but must focus on users and facilitate the sharing of their (good) content.

Optimizing a website is of paramount importance so that there are good results without the need to invest so much money in sponsored links advertisements. Link building is an excellent SEO strategy to increase results and Be-Wide offers a range of services such as website optimization, SEO, content management, web development, graphic design, among many others that will significantly contribute to the success of your website, and consequently your business.

If you want to purchase any of these services, ask for your free quote. on here.

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