The Local SEO should always be part of the strategy digital marketing of a company when relevant to its business.

With the increasing use of cell phones in our lives, it is increasingly common to use cell phones to search for all kinds of local products and services.

Companies, especially newer ones, can use Local SEO to gain local market share and eventually compete with their competitors outside their locality.

What is local SEO?

What is local SEO?

What is local SEO?

SEO (short for the term “Search Engine Optimization”), refers to the optimization that we can do, usually on web pages, so that they are more easily found and positioned at the top of search engines.

Local SEO is one of the strategies to promote your business online locally, that is, in a small town or region. This strategy does not imply that it is not necessary to apply common SEO strategies.

What strategies are there?

What strategies are there?

What strategies are there?

Google My Business

The Google My Business is without a doubt one of the most powerful tools at the moment, and it is where all businesses that want to gain customers locally should be registered.

In addition to Google My Business, there are other platforms that can also be used, such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, Facebook, etc.

reviews Locations

If you sell products or provide services on your site, getting good reviews from local customers can be a huge advantage over your competition.

One of the first elements that all consumers look for when they are looking for a product or service are reviews, which are also a big factor when deciding whether to buy or not.

responsive site

Currently, we use mobile phones more and more to browse the internet, and this trend can be seen in the traffic of the vast majority of websites.

It is essential that the site is responsive or has a mobile version, to ensure that visitors have the best possible experience when browsing, and that all important information is clearly available.

SEO site on the web pages

The most basic way to implement local SEO on the site is to add a contact page with the address and a google map with the location of the business.

It is also important to make reference, in the titles and texts of the website, of the locality or city where the business is located, which will make it easier for search engines to associate the business website with a location.

local content marketing

Being content marketing, the creation and distribution of relevant content to a target audience, local content marketing is the creation and distribution of local content.

Local content marketing, while not widely used, can be a good strategy to combat other competitors who already have a general market marketing strategy.

How effective is it?

How effective is it?

How effective is it?

Normally any type of business can benefit from Local SEO, and if the basic steps of local SEO are well implemented, it's only a matter of time before results appear.

There is usually a maturation time that you need to wait for, so that we can start to see the results, which can range from a few weeks to a few months.

Competition is also a factor, especially if this competition has its own local SEO strategy. For this reason constant strategy and implementation is important to get to the top.

Norberto Marques

Norberto Marques

More than 4 years of experience working in a web development and digital marketing Startup, great adaptability, always ready to learn and overcome new challenges.
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