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Are you an entrepreneur and now want to invest in digital marketing?

Are you an entrepreneur and now want to invest in digital marketing?

Alright, are you an entrepreneur who has finally decided to “take a risk” in this area that is still gray for you (Investing in Digital Marketing)?! First of all I have to congratulate you and a big round of applause (huge indeed), you just left the 90% of Atheist Portuguese Entrepreneurs of digital marketing and Online Advertising (from now on we call them EPÁ’s).

PANTONE 2020 Brand A New Era!

PANTONE 2020 Brand A New Era!

O Pantone de 2020 é o Classic Blue, o "azulão" que vem marcar o início de uma nova era, inspira calma, confiança e conectividade. Este pantone faz lembrar o céu noturno e o mar selvagem, é uma cor tranquila e de personalidade forte, traz serenidade e oferece uma...

8 Tips on shooting with the Mobile

8 Tips on shooting with the Mobile

Mobile phones have increasingly advanced technology and these days, anyone can take good pictures with your phone. For several years now that there are mobile phones with integrated camera and although the photos captured by them are good, they have never been ...

Creating An Online Shop and Get Your First Sale Online

Creating An Online Shop and Get Your First Sale Online

Se o teu negócio passa por vender algum tipo de produto físico, criar uma loja online é um passo essencial para qualquer empresário acompanhar a evolução do comércio nos tempos actuais. Um inquérito feito pela EUROSTAT, "Estatísticas e-commerce para indivíduos",...


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